Tuesday 25 October 2011

Shower Head Water Filter - Dr Oz Tells the World on the Oprah Show

!±8± Shower Head Water Filter - Dr Oz Tells the World on the Oprah Show

In a recent Oprah show, Dr. Oz said. "The best thing you can do for your hair costs less than 9 cents a day Get a charcoal filter and put it in your shower."

However, I would add that if you shop for a shower head water filter, make sure that also protects the by-products of chlorination that cause cancer, commonly called THMs. To reduce most of the chlorine filter shower head on the market, but only few of them reduce the disinfection byproducts.

Theis true of purifiers for the kitchen tap. Most companies focus on chlorine reduction, because it is easy and inexpensive to accomplish. In addition, people recognize the taste and smell of chlorine, but THMs are tasteless and mostly odorless. In other words, manufactures know that you would know about chlorine, but they assume that you don't know about the byproducts.

Originally, a shower head water filter was only recommended for people with allergies or skin conditions. Chlorine and copper are common allergens.

Eventually, beauty experts began to recommend them for their customers who wanted better looking hair colors and fewer broken ends. A number of the contaminants present in tap water can strip the skin and hair of their naturally protective oils. In addition, they dull color and cause bleaching.

For years, Dr. Oz has been a leading proponent and well-known expert in the efforts to educate the public on health and wellness. In this same Oprah show, Dr. Oz also mentioned that the chlorine can be drying for your hair. Dr. Oz also suggested that for additional protection that you cover your hair when you are in the sun.

Finally, showerhead water filters are being recommended for anyone who wants to reduce their risk of cancer by reducing their exposure to cancer-causing chemicals, primarily THMs, which become airborne whenever you turn on the faucet.

At one time, it was thought that THM consumption was only a risk through drinking. Researchers have proven again and again that bloodstream levels are higher after 15 minute showers, than they are after drinking an eight ounce glass.

When you do go shopping, you will see that there is a broad price range with one model costing nearly 0. There's no need to pay that much.

The claims that the company makes, imbuing the water with health giving qualities through the use of rare Japanese stones, are unsubstantiated. They say that they have scientific studies to back those claims. The studies they refer to were performed by their own R & D team. You have to look at those studies with serious skepticism.

You can get the best shower head water filter on the market for less than . You can even get one with a removable wand, to make it easier to fill the tub. But, be warned. Once you start bathing and showering in filtered waters, it becomes harder to leave home!

That's just a joke, but I do hate staying in a hotel now. The water feels "harsh" and somehow unclean. I never really noticed that feeling until we installed a shower head water filter.

Oprah's show has always been a favorite, and I was so glad to hear what Dr. Oz had to say about shower head water filters. I hope that because of his incredible wealth of knowledge and the fact that he is held in such high regard it will prompt more people to seriously consider a showerhead water filter for their own home. Thank you Dr. Oz.

My favorite company offers a package deal for customers who buy both a kitchen purifier and a shower head system at the same time. They also offer automatic shipment of replacement cartridges and a discount program for customers who choose to use it.

I suggest that you shop for products that are guaranteed to satisfy. I know of at least one system that tends to break down just after the 30 day replacement period passes. The best shower head water filter provides years of effective service and protects your family's long-term health.

Shower Head Water Filter - Dr Oz Tells the World on the Oprah Show

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Saturday 1 October 2011

Dangers of fluoride in our water - The Great Debate

!±8± Dangers of fluoride in our water - The Great Debate

Sometimes I wonder how many percent of the population in the ongoing debate on fluoride. It 'definitely a growing voice of dissent about the fluoridation of drinking water, but the average Joe is as familiar with this problem. I know I am not aware that most of my friends and family. I never heard that brought him on all major TV news programs. It seems that most of the information from radio, local news stations to come, scientists and activistsOrganizations. It means that there is not much to this debate, or are about to enter in the national spotlight?

Fluoridation of water supplies has occurred public for more than 60 years. In light of these basic facts of history, is the immediate problem in many nations come to mind when confronted with the debate: "If fluoride is so bad for us, we have not already figured it would be mountains of evidence for this? Show toxicEffects? "Opponents argue that this test is not, and must do more to respond to illustrate this truth. Proponent that the evidence for fluoride is deep and well-funded studies already there with the population of the United States in reducing tooth decay 'order of 50-60% compared to the second World War. This statistic is one of the most controversial, since these same reductions in the same periods in countries that have never been to fluoridation of drinking water has shown commitment.

SodiumFluoride, fluorine is used, an ex-products and waste from the production of aluminum, and is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs and military nerve gas. Fluoride is more toxic than aluminum, and studies have shown that fluoride increases the absorption rate of aluminum consumption by 600%. There are, however, the controls set instead of managing that risk. The EPA has a maximum level of water fluoridation at 1 ppm part (for setMillion) of fluoride toothpaste on the back reads "Keep toothpaste out of the reach of children under 6 years. If swallowed, medical help or contact poison control center immediately."

That there is no doubt that fluoride damages bones, causing stiffness, promotes skeletal abnormalities, increased risk of cancer, genetic damage occurs and prevents the nervous system function in humans. The opponents of fluoridation are concerned that because fluoride acts as a cumulative poison graduallyEffects on the body over time depends on the potential toxicity, how much water is consumed on a daily basis to filter the user's body weight and the ability of the body and eliminate the chemicals. These are by far the variables with which a relatively high percentage of the population may fall into a vast toxic over time.

Recently, studies have government, the evidence was fluoridation dangers. In a 2005 CDC study showed irreversible enamel fluorosis in one of three children.Then, in 2007, the ADA warned parents not to mix infant formula with tap water in the first 12 months of development, in order to avoid the intake of fluoride. More recently, in June 2008 stated that the National Kidney Foundation of kidney patients of the potential risk of fluoride exposure should be disclosed.

Each year our scientists to understand more and more of the toxic effects of fluoride, and a point is impressive. With the fluoridation of drinking water, you can not control theIngested dose, children and adults treated with similar doses, and unless the public filter their water, have no choice. At a minimum, should be larger and more comprehensive studies carried out in order to respond adequately to ensure that varying dosage and the benefits clearly outweigh the risks.

Meanwhile, for those interested, there is no fluoride water filter on the market. Berkey is a highly respected Filter PF-2 fluoride that works in allBerkey water filter system.

Dangers of fluoride in our water - The Great Debate

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